Junior Asparagus is anxious for the show to wrap up shortly after it begins. When Bob the Tomato decides to respond to a fan's letter about "waiting" by directing a Bible-times interview with Abraham, Sarah and their promised son, his--and Junior's--patience is tested by spitting camels, a confused nurse, an easily distracted film crew, and a host of other laughable filming disasters! Join the comical chaos and calamity in Abe and the Amazing Promise that reminds kids that God always keeps His promises, even if we have to wait a while!
You'll also get to see the musical adventure "Blunders in Boo-Boo-Ville." In this amusing tale of mystery and mayhem, Mayor LaBleu (Madame Blueberry) announces the cancellation of Boo-Boo-Ville's famous festival unless someone can invent a way to make the Boo-Boo birds return! Hoping to win the prize and save the day, haphazard inventor Jacques (Larry the Cucumber) hurriedly sets out to create the perfect Boo-Boo-attracting invention. Will this impatient inventor learn the value of doing things the right way in time to bring back the birds? Also includes the very Silly Song with Larry: "Sneeze if You Need to!"