For any building to stand, it needs a good foundation. The same can be said for families.
We are living in difficult days, and one of the reasons for the state of our society is the breakdown of the family. Now, more than ever, families need firm foundations.
Recognizing this need for First Nations families, Bill Jackson, in this book, deals with important issues facing families on First Nations reserves and in Native communities. Using Scripture as the foundation for his teaching, Bill shares about relevant issues such as: parenting, finances, gambling, immorality, fellowship, racism, and others. In so doing, he provides an understanding of God's plan for the family.
Bill is well aware of the problems that Native people encounter in their lives. He lives on a reserve with his wife, Shirley, and over the years has ministered in many Native communities. What he shares in this book comes from his heart and from his love for Native people, as well as his love for God.
104 Page Book
Northern Canada Evangelical Mission: Northern Canada Mission Distributors