Missions history is much more than a collection of dates, events, organizations and names.
It is the fascinating story of human struggles and emotions, intertwined with tragedy and adventure. It is the story of single-minded men and women, driven by a sense of urgency.
Egerton Young is one of them. In 1868 he was pastor of a thriving Methodist church in Hamilton, Ontario. He and his wife Elizabeth were married in December of that year. Shortly after their wedding, they felt the call of God to serve as missionaries among the Cree and Saulteaux First Nations north of Lake Winnipeg.
At a time when many Caucasian North Americans believed that Aboriginals were racially inferior, Egerton Young humbly exemplified Christ's love for all mankind, and respectfully preached His message of salvation.
The publishers have kept the original text. By Canoe and Dog Train is Young's own account of the adventures, blessings and hardships he and his family experienced while sharing the Gospel among the indigenous people of Canada's northland.
296 Pages
Northern Canada Evangelical Mission: Northern Canada Mission Distributors