People often mistakenly get caught up in the idea of leaving a financial inheritance for their children, instead of the true responsibility of raising children to love God first and foremost-- the only legacy of value. Drawing on their own personal experiences as fathers and having been raised by parents who instilled a legacy of faith within them, popular creation speaker Ken Ham and his brother Steve share these important life strategies in this unique new parenting book. They give great practical advice from their own experience in parenting a combined seven children, with the goal of instilling a foundation and legacy of faith within each. Ignoring the common focus of a traditional inheritance, Ken and Steve reveal a powerful new vision for leaving a legacy of faith for future generations. From where kids should be educated to how to instill them with the Word from an early age, this book is a great guide for parents with children of any age. Discover the foundation, the components, and how you can begin building a legacy for your family today.
236 Pages
Master Books
236 Pages
Master Books