Designed as a tool to reach the unsaved, this intriguing book has enormous evangelistic potential. Ray Comfort shares the spiritual beliefs of over 120 top Hollywood stars from past and present, such as Tom Cruise, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Madonna, Peter Jennings, Winona Ryder, John Wayne, and George Clooney, with beliefs ranging from reincarnation to the idea that God is a woman, "a deity created in our image," or "a shaft of light in a doorway." Most importantly, the author compares many of the celebrity views against the Bible, so that the gospel is clearly communicated throughout the book's pages. Readers will be challenged to examine their beliefs as they are gently persuaded by God's Word. In addition, the book will strengthen believers in their own faith by discussing the evidence for the existence of God, inspiration of the Bible, divinity of Jesus, etc. This riveting book makes an excellent evangelistic gift, with many readers buying one copy for themselves to gain insight into what others believe, and additional copies for lost friends and neighbors to lead them to the truth.
208 page book
Genesis Publishing Group